Thursday, January 7, 2010

beauty is all around - better is all around

Too many times I get caught in the negative aspect of given situations and have to stop and see the beauty in my environment. Struggling with perfectionism, I have always had the idea that things had to be a certain way (my way), which always led to pulling out the negative, without shedding light on all of the wonderful things gone right. For me 2010 has been a year of wonderful, ever evolving change, pulling from the wonderful things that I did in 2009! I have finally come to realize, with the help of others, that it's about perfect'ing, not perfection. This is simply nothing more than a perception of our reality, which I truly believe we create. Perfection would be boring and stale... and not inspire us to create all the exciting things that are happening around us. I want to be that change and excitement that others see! To live in a loving world that truly cares and wants to give back. To me, the world doesn't need to be perfect, just simply better than yesterday. I promise, if you can put this to action in your life YOU will be better too! Love one another, give back, do things that are good/right for you and crazy things will start happening.


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