Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday 2010-05-04

What would happen if we all stopped for just a second, and listened to what our bodies where telling us? Would the world be a better place? I think so.

Based on my experience, when I eat, move and live according to what my body is telling me, I feel more able to express who I want to be. It's amazing how good movement effects good thoughts, and good thoughts effect good eating and good eating effects good movement and good movement effects good eating... and on and on. You can imagine the flip side of that, the downward spiral that we ALL have experienced, when we do not listen.

My body was telling me veggies sounded good today - I listened.



  1. Me too - earlier in my pregnancy all I wanted was heavier meats, potatoes, and dense foods. Now I can't get enough of romaine lettuce, hummus, carrots, and tons of veggies! And grilled chicken or egg salad. It's crazy how our bodies will tell us what we want if we'll just listen.

  2. Awesome Christine!

    The answer is ALWAYS there...

