Friday, January 21, 2011

-Miso Crazy-

Currently my top 3 favorite foods-
1) nut butter
2) local eggs
3) miso 

This is always changing with the days, weeks, seasons etc. The first two I'm confident you are very familiar with, but have you ever tried miso? (other than miso soup?) Do you know what miso is?

Miso - is a traditional Japanese seasoning produced by fermenting rice, barley and/or soybeans, with salt and the fungus kojikin, the most typical miso being made with soy. (wikipedia)

Miso's health benefits include (but not limited to) increased food utilization and absorption due to its high Lactobacillus acidophilus content, as well as its high amounts of naturally occurring b vitamins. It's easy to use and is a versatile staple not to be ignored. I use miso in soups, salad dressings, oatmeal, for soaking, etc. It can be found at any natural foods grocery store such as Whole Foods or Natural Grocer and is relatively inexpensive. Most are cultured at least one year (yellow sweet miso) and up to 3 to 5 years (red dark miso). Here is my current favorite miso infused food:

MISO PORRIDGE - *adopted from Nourishing Traditions*
1 cup organic oats, rolled or cracked
2 cups water (or to cover)
2 tablespoons naturally ferments light (yellow) miso

With pastured local eggs and Nates Raw Harvest
In the evening, cook oats in water for 5-10 minutes or until water is absorbed. Allow to cool and mix in miso. Cover and leave the mixture at room temp overnight. In the morning, reheat gently without bringing to a boil. (I actually prefer mine cold when left in the fridge).

It's great topped with nuts, fruit, eggs, yogurt or by itself. 


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